In all the coming periods of pain and difficulty, hardship, sadness, confusion, loss, heartbreak, you might consider it important to do something. To fix and fight and forge a new way. You might ask others to meet you where you are and hold your vision with you and you might feel rage and disappointment when they cannot or will not do so.
I insist, in those moments there is only one thing you must do. The only thing you have to do is feel everything.
Feel everything. Surrender to the experience of helplessness. Admit that you’re lonely. Find the bottomless well of grief and get to know the texture and temperature of its waters intimately. Discover what’s got you stuck. Is it unexpressed anger? Grief? Whatever it is, let yourself have it.
Slow down. Honor that life is happening all around us. New growth emerges from each single crack. There is so much aliveness in decomposition. Let go and become mulch.
There is no shame in feeling everything. Right relationship and right action stems directly from this. Wield your rage and your disgust both as guidance towards your noble cause. Let your defenselessness be your gift and your strength.
Take a breath and witness all the ways that the new world is already here. There is nothing to do but to nurture it. You carry in you both the new way and the old one. In each moment, you get to choose which future is being born.
The sun rises on all children of life. There may be cold days ahead, but there will also be moments of unconditional love. You are worthy of both.